To take the guesswork out of gift buying, we’ve found practical and helpful gifts for any occasion, sorted by theme to help find everything you are looking for.
Top 5 “Outdoor Fun & Games” Gifts
1) TootScoot II

This children’s balance bike helps kids exercise their motor skills a scoot at a time. TootScoot has wider-than-normal wheels and stands close to the ground—designed to ease the induction of little ones into the world of big kid pedal bikes.
2) Djubi Slingshot Catch Game Refill Ball Pack

Extra Classic Djubi Balls for continued play. Don't let your Djubi game get interrupted. Keep spares on hand in case your last Djubi gets stuck in a gutter or tree. For use with Djubi Classic Slingshot Catch Game.
3) Hanging Lounge Chair

This hanging lounge chair is a comfortable place for kids to relax.
4) HugglePod Lite Hanging Chair

HearthSong: HugglePod Lite Hanging Chair
5) Handcrafted Swingboard

This standing swing lets you sail through the air, while cultivating the balance and core strength needed to graduate to board sports. But kids will just think it’s fun. Made in the USA from hard maple wood, Swurfer is designed to mimic a skateboard or snowboard, letting kids swing side to side as well as back and forth. Adjustable wooden handles add stability.